About Film
Lucy Neal is thrown for a loop when she is accused of being too inhibited by her ex-boyfriend. In an effort to prove him wrong, Lucy creates a rather wild to-do list that sends her on a whirlwind and surprising journey of self-discovery, friendship, and new love.
Movie Rating: 5.76
Total Votes: 340
Really good watch, could watch again, and can recommend.
I don't think this is one anyone is going to watch over and over, but it's a great one-shot.
Lucy Hale is amazing, and I'll admit I wasn't a big fan of her character on "Pretty Little Liars", but it really seems that she can elevate any role she takes, this one included. I honestly...
I... actually kinda like this? It's dumb no doubt, but it works.
Just narrowly, I will say that. 'A Nice Girl Like You' does feature moments that don't come out well, though I honestly didn't dislike watching it all unfold. There are a couple of funny moments, particularly one lippy bit, and Lucy Hale (Lucy) makes for an enjoyable...
This movie’s idea of humor is repeating the names of certain parts of the human body out loud – preferably within senior citizens’ earshot –, and in that sense this film talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. It raises the (rhetorical) question, can a sex comedy be entertaining when it’s the audiovisual equivalent of a eunuch?
According to...