About Film
Izzy is an energetic 9-year-old. Overscheduled and running late, Izzy's parents can't pick her up on-time the last day of school before Christmas break. A blizzard complicates the matter, but not as much as a pair of bad guys who are freezing in an ice cream truck. The school's janitor is kidnapped by the intruders, and it's up to Izzy to save the day.
Movie Rating: 5.8
Total Votes: 52

I wanted to like this, if only for Danny Glover's sake, but I couldn't - it's bad.
'Christmas Break-In' is a borderline 'Home Alone' rip-off, especially with how it sets up the plot - it kinda goes its own way by the end, even it if still misses originality. It also lacks humour and heart, two things it desperately tries to...