About Film
Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter faces the threat of execution for refusing to fight for the Nazis during World War II.
Movie Rating: 7.1
Total Votes: 689
An audiovisual beauty like all Malick's films although this is definitely the first one that has a more interesting story to tell since Tree of Life but unfortunately in my opinion its own ambition and pretense of doing something more epic plays against it because A Hidden Life it's a film that greatly extends its stay.
Although Malick...
Terrence Malick is a filmmaker whose primary concern is the sanctity of the human soul, and in this instance, he has chosen a time and a place where that sanctity was under tremendous threat, and a story of two people sacrificing themselves to protect it. 'A Hidden Life' is a remarkable and uncompromising film, a work of hope and sorrow and...
“If God gives us free will, we are responsible for what we do or what we fail to do.”
Ambitious, but strangely simple.
A true and powerful story told in a very Malick way. Based on letters written in Austria during Hitler’s early reigns; ‘A Hidden Life’ follows a husband and wife objecting the Nazi party - which unfortunately leads to the...
**_A meditation on morality and faith; a film of unparalleled sublimity; an experience beyond the sensory_**
>_Death be not proud, though some have called thee_
>_Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not soe,_
>_For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,_
>_Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee._
>_From rest...
Terrence Malick lovers are going to mesmerized by “A Hidden Life,” his latest, and perhaps even greatest, work in years. As a huge fan of the director’s films, this three hour ethereal work of art plays like an extended dream and is textbook Malick perfection. But for those who find his films trying rather than celebrating his cinematic genius,...