About Film
Fate, the pensions crisis and a steadfast refusal to accept the injustice of old age have contrived to force law abiding, retired couple, Arthur and Martha Goode into a life of crime.
Movie Rating: 6.3
Total Votes: 37
**Sometimes, 'fightback' is the only option.**
This film quite reminded me the Korean film I saw a few years ago called 'Grandma Gangsters'. That film was about a vacation, though money involves and here it was about the pension. That's a serious thing, could have been another 'I, Daniel Blake', but that's not how it goes. A very interesting...
'Golden Years' is hit-and-miss in a few areas, but overall it's all a good laugh with an entertaining premise.
Logically a lot of it is flawed and/or undercooked, most of the characters act strangely and the plot is kinda choppy in parts; especially across the final act. They try to force things together, whilst seemingly believing...